Agency on statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

Statistical accounting is considered to be an effective means of systematization and development of prospects for the activity of economic entities.
Emomali Rahmon



On October 16, the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan held an extended meeting of the board to summarize the activities of statistical bodies for the first nine months of 2024 and the tasks until the end of the year, which was attended by the agency’s management, heads of the Main Departments of the Agency on Statistics in the regions, the city of Dushanbe, heads of statistical bodies of cities and districts of republican subordination, departments , departments and divisions of the Central Office and the State Institution of the Agency “Main Computing Center”.
The meeting analyzed the results of the activities of statistical bodies for the first nine months of 2024, as reported by Aso Nurullo Asvat , First Deputy Director of the Agency for Statistics.

It was noted that the statistical agency, carrying out its activities on the basis of the next Address of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, decrees, instructions and orders of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on statistics and the “Statistical Work Program for 2024”, fully fulfilled the tasks assigned to it for the first nine months of this year.
During this period, 6642 statistical works were completed in a timely manner, of which 1274 works were devoted to statistics of industry and investment in construction, 1848 works on statistics of agriculture and environmental protection, 393 works on financial statistics, 567 works on statistics of price and tariff registration, 99 works on statistics of household budget research, 798 works on demographic, employment and social statistics , 1019 works on statistics of material resources, trade and foreign economic relations and 644 works relate to statistics of transport, communications, housing and communal services, paid services, which indicates the full implementation of the statistical work program.
It was also noted that the correspondence of the Statistics Agency for the first nine months of 2024 showed that during this period, 2390 documents and letters were received from the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, ministries, committees, departments and institutions, organizations, local statistical authorities to the Agency’s address and e-mail. Of the total number of documents received, 706 orders, orders, instructions and instructions, copies of minutes of meetings of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, plans and events, 921 letters from ministries and departments, 266 letters from local statistical bodies, 402 letters via e-government and agency e-mail, 38 draft regulatory legal acts, 5 decisions and instructions from the Parliament of the Republic of Tajikistan and 52 citizens’ appeals were received in writing, which were processed and promptly implemented and the corresponding responses were sent in accordance with the requests.

In addition, in accordance with the statistical work program for the nine months of 2024, selective statistical studies of “individuals, industrial producers”, studies of “livestock and car sales markets, gas stations, fuel and lubricants, shops, cafes, restaurants, canteens, pharmacies” for all forms of ownership, studies of “product sales prices in markets”, studies of “household budget”, selective studies of “households in the crop and livestock industries ” and livestock were conducted.
During the meeting, reports were heard from the heads of statistical bodies of regions, cities and districts of republican subordination, useful instructions and recommendations were given by the Agency’s management on further improving the level and quality of activities. During the meeting, various issues of high-quality statistical work, timeliness and accuracy of statistical data characterizing all socio-economic spheres, compliance with the current methodology for the formation of official statistics were discussed. Director of the Statistics Agency Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda informed the heads of local statistical bodies about the coverage of accountable entities, the correct collection of indicators for all sectors in accordance with a certain methodology, strict elimination of distortions, full inclusion of crop products in statistical reports, including potatoes, rice, full and accurate accounting of cattle and small livestock, targeted and effective use of budget funds, non-cash financial transactions, the correct use of information and communication technologies, state ownership and timely submission of financial statements, daily control over the inclusion of production of goods and services in the reporting, regular control over the filling of business books in jamoats and along with this, entering data into the electronic business book program, ensuring the implementation of the provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the regulation of celebrations and rituals in the Republic of Tajikistan”, “on responsibility for the education and upbringing of a child” with control of amendments and additions and “on the state language”, as well as for the implementation of the instructions specified in the President’s Address, laws, decisive instructions were given and other relevant instructions and orders of the Government of the Republic and other issues.


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Президент Таджикистана

The Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon
Emomali Rahmon