Agency on statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

Statistical accounting is considered to be an effective means of systematization and development of prospects for the activity of economic entities.
Emomali Rahmon

Macroeconomic indicators

  SDDS Data Category and ComponentUnitObservation dataIn percentagesIn percentages
Date of last update2022 datadata 2023 previouslyto the same period of the previous year
Real sector
GDP at current pricesmillion somoni2024118181.7130791.5108.0108.3
Industrymillion somoni202427762.021143.1109.2112.0
Agriculture and forestrymillion somoni202427104.831769.795.5109.0
Constructionmillion somoni202413250.110313.2126.6122.5
Trade, hotels and restaurantsmillion somoni202416102.819467.1111.9116.8
Servicesmillion somoni202417251.122948.1113.6114.1
Transport and communicationsmillion somoni20246023.511994.2107.5122.4
Taxes minus subsidiesmillion somoni202410687.413156.1100.0108.3
Raw cotton productionthousand tons2024404.7344.485.1104.1
Cotton production – fiberthousand tons2024127.1127.3106.1100.1
export – fiberthousand tons202481.0109.380.5134.9
Export of cotton fibermillion US dollars2024194.7198.696.1102.0
Average price for cotton fiber (per 1 ton)in US dollars202424031817119.475.6
Power generationbillion kWh202421.421.9103.8102.3
Electricity exportmillion kWh20243343.13606.6101.2107.9
Electricity exportmillion US dollars2024106.2110.4110.6104.0
Import of electricitymillion kWh2024797.3945.090.3118.5
Import of electricitymillion US dollars202415.818.794.0118.4
Wheat productionthousand tons2024934.3860.892.1106.6
Wheat importthousand tons2024995.51023.696.8102.8
Wheat importmillion US dollars2024329.1288.8123.887.8
Employmentthousand people20242545.02633.4101.7103.4
Unemployment registeredthousand people202455.049.2100.089.5
Salary (average monthly for the year)somoni20241760.292013.11104.4114.3
Consumer price index(to previous year)2024104.2103.8106.6103.7
Industrial Producer Price Index(to previous year)202496.6102.6101.599.9
Fiscal sector
State budget revenuesmillion somoni202436056.843150.9120.0119.7
Tax revenuesmillion somoni202421824.225766.8110.9118.1
Non-tax revenuesmillion somoni20242418.52332.7151.096.4
State budget revenuesin % of GDP202430.533.0102.7108.2
Tax revenuesin % of GDP202418.519.794.9106.5
Non-tax revenuesin % of GDP20242.01.8125.090.0
State budget expendituresmillion somoni202435338.941281.3120.4116.8
State budget expendituresin % of GDP202429.931.6103.1105.7
Deficit (-), surplus (+) of the state budgetmillion somoni2024717.91869.6101.02.6 bar
Deficit (-), surplus (+) of the state budgetin % of GDP20240.61.485.72.3 bar
Financial sector
Credit investments taking into account foreign currencymillion somoni202414382.118991.2105.1132.0
External sector
Foreign trade turnovermillion US dollars20247309.58328.9114.9113.9
Export of goods (FOB)million US dollars20242142.02448.899.6114.3
Import of goods (CIF)million US dollars20245167.55880.1122.8113.8
Total volume of international servicesmillion US dollars2024366.1512.5140.0119.8
Export of services – totalmillion US dollars2024136.4243.71.8 times92.9
Import of services – totalmillion US dollars2024229.7268.8117.0144.6
International investment position
Direct investment .p statementmillion US dollars2024618.4284.145.91.8 times
Other investmentsmillion US dollars20241958.22499.8127.75.2 times
Exchange rate of TJS to US dollar (annual average)somoni for 1 US dollar202411.025810.844598.498.4
Socio-demographic sector
Population (end of year)thousand people202410078.410277.1101.9102.0
Президент Таджикистана

The Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon
Emomali Rahmon