Agency on statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

Statistical accounting is considered to be an effective means of systematization and development of prospects for the activity of economic entities.
Emomali Rahmon



Cattle breeding is one of the most profitable areas of the agricultural sector, providing the country’s population with meat and milk, and industrial enterprises with raw materials, that is, wool. In order to improve the industry, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has adopted a number of state programs that create a favorable basis for the development of livestock farming in the country.

According to statistics data on 1 September In 2024, the number of cattle in all categories of farms amounted to 2 million 704.2 thousand heads, which is 97.7 thousand heads or 3.7 percent more than in the same period last year. Over the same period, the number of sheep and goats amounted to 7.06 million heads, an increase of 463.1 thousand or 7.0%. Of the total population, household farms account for 93.4% of the cattle population and 81.5% of the sheep and goat population.

Livestock large horned cattle in farms of the Khatlon region it increased by 5.7%, in Sughd by 3.4% and in the RRS by 1.7%, and in GBAO it is at the level of indicators for the same period last year.

In January-August 2024, the volume of production of meat of cattle and small cattle (in live weight) in all categories of farms amounted to 148801 tons, which is 10.8% more than in the same period last year. Height meat production large And small cattle in farms of the Sughd region increased by 22.3%, Khatlon – by 9.2%, GBAO – by 2.0%, cities and districts of republican subordination – by 5.2%.

General volume milk production in all forms of management during this period amounted to 575,423 tons, which is 5.4% more than the year before. Production milk in farms of GBAO it increased by 2.9%, in Khatlon region – by 5.3%, in Sughd region – by 7.8%, in cities and districts of republican subordination – by 2.0%.


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Президент Таджикистана

The Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon
Emomali Rahmon